Wow – A tough 22 months

I have been absent from posts here on my blog now for almost 22 months.  I was brought back to it given notification that I had a new follower who somehow came across my blogs.  In coming back and reviewing the history of my rantings, I quickly returned to a certain level of excitement that I had back then when I was somewhat prolific in posts.  Given all going on (and going wrong) in our country at the moment, the timing is good.

I had spent considerable time commenting on what, at the time, were my perspectives on most everything I thought was going wrong in our country.  Interestingly enough, most of the posts back then were about the current idiot in the White House (yes, I realize that most everyone working as part of the current administration could fit that description) but I mean that fat, lard ass, Trump, who single-handedly, has reduced the reputation of the United States to the level of those third rate countries run by dictators and authoritarians (Trump’s heros) around the globe.  My previous posts were geared more to my issues with Trump.  What has become increasingly clear is that our real issue is not entirely with Trump (although there are a litany of issues that reside there) but more so with those in our country who continue to vehemently support and defend him.  While I see less people with red MAGA hats and teeshirts walking around (mostly given they are really cowards when facing others), it is apparent that “the basket of deplorables” remains in place and our great country has far too many people whose level of growth – intellectual, emotional, social, etc., etc.) remains stunted and at the level that is exceeded in many cases by a normal 4 year old.

When I first started my blog, I was still working and I used the blog as a means to blow off steam – as well to possibly annoy some people who might stumble across my rantings.  The good news is on two fronts.  First, based on comments, I did annoy at least one or two of those who spent the time to read my ramblings.  I do believe it also gave me an outlet to vent – which I needed given where I was in my career and life goals.  At this point, I am now retired (actually five years retired) and my angst has pretty much settled down to a level that is considerably less and hopefully much more reasonable and tolerable – especially given the state of affairs in which we find ourselves.  I am in a good place overall with little worries in my day to day wanderings and pretty comfortable across the board with most in everything in my life.  I have spent most of my existence internally focused (the ultimate introvert in psychological terms), I can look back with pride on my career accomplishments as well as my relationship with my wife of 38 years as well as the children (now successful adults) we raised.  I don’t have too many day to day worries, I don’t worry about meeting my financial commitments at the end of the month and I am relatively healthy for a 66 year old.  We’ve moved into the grandchild stage of our lives and it is pretty great.

However good my life is, there unfortunately remains that part of me the looks around at where we, as a country, seem to be, and it is disheartening at best.  It is a travesty and a profound disaster at its’ worst.  It is time, I think, to return to my “blow off steam” outlet and start posting again.  Much to speak to and much to raise attention on.  If there is any doubt as to where I particularly lean, a quick read of my older posts will make it very clear.  I will admit I’m pretty stoked to watch the next few months play out as the Trump horde continues down the path towards impeachment.  Between here and Twitter (where I’ve been pretty much focused on Trump’s posts), it should be fun.  Stay posted.  In the meantime, since I usually post some sort of photo, here’s one of my favorites that provides great insight into the oval office idiot.  Nothing like a bit of self-awareness….then again, what good is a piece of toilet paper if it isn’t attached to a piece of shit.
