And the Craziness Continues…

Without question, our challenge with Covid and the stupid of America continues unabated.  With the likes of “leaders” like “Grab them by the pussy” Trump, “Canary In The Coal Mine” DeSantis and “Wheels” Abbott spouting their pandemic bullshit while actively working to kill people, the stupid among us continue to add bodies to the number of infected and dead across the country.  I am tired of hearing the continued advice and warnings that real healthcare officials continue to offer to the unvaccinated as it is obvious that if someone hasn’t heard the message as to how to protect ourselves and to get the pandemic under control at this point, they will not ever get it and this is breath best applied elsewhere.  I am also pretty tired of hearing advice that those of us smart enough to get the vaccine should not be shaming or casting negative tone at the unvaccinated as it just makes those choosing to remain unvaccinated more resolute in their stance.  Well, I call bullshit on that perspective as the obvious intelligence and psychological deficiencies of those remaining unvaccinated will not be moved with facts.  Speaks volumes as to my mindset but I’m one of those getting great satisfaction out of reading about the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that have gone on to their maker (or wherever).  I have always had a thing about accountability and the apparent lack of it by most people who find themselves in situations of their own doing and then either blaming others or looking for special treatment at a point where they realize they have fucked up.  So, that being said I rejoice each news item I read where an anti-vaxxer or anti-masker finds themselves with Covid and in serious shape in a hospital and possibly on a ventilator.  Even better when the news item is about the people dying – especially in the cases of the four conservative radio hosts who railed against the vaccine and mask mandates who find themselves now dead.  Thirty-year-old anti-mask movement leader in Texas – Dead.  Parents of 4 children (now orphans) – Dead.  Of course, many of these people came to realize on their death bed that they made a mistake and implore others to get the vaccine.  Sorry, you get no sympathy for last minute reprieves.  Kind of like the atheist that finds God when it is obvious that death is close.  Doesn’t really count for much.

This is ACCOUNTIBILITY at its’ best.   Now as harsh as this all sounds, keep in mind I am past the point of trying to change the minds of idiots and it is likely, especially in the case of the radio hosts, the crap and conspiracy theories being spewed by these assholes no doubt has resulted in additional deaths – hopefully only the unvaccinated but someone is driving the dramatic increase in Covid cases deaths in children under 12 who really have no alternative.  For the children whose have gotten ill who have parents that deny the need for vaccination, they are unfortunate to have been dealt a bad hand when it comes to parents.  If I want to be really nasty, the fact they have their parent’s DNA presents a future problem for the rest of us.  And for the rest of us who are responsible in terms of our heath and are aligned with our social responsibilities to others, it is a benefit that we have as many of these unvaccinated people leave us as soon as is possible.

Marc Bernier, a late Daytona, Florida, talk radio host who dubbed himself “Mr. Anti-Vax” in December while assuring his listeners “I’m not taking it.” He died died after a three-week fight against the virus.
Dick Farrel, 65, used his local talk show and social media to rail against Dr. Anthony Fauci, who he called a “power tripping lying freak,” and say that no one should get the coronavirus vaccine. When COVID-19 sent him to the hospital for three weeks, though, he changed his tune, urging friends to get vaccinated.
Phil Valentine, a radio host who scoffed at Covid, then urged his followers to get vaccinated, dies. In December of 2020 he tweeted “I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?”
A religious radio broadcaster who spread disinformation about the coronavirus vaccines was killed by the virus. DeYoung published an interview promoting the conspiracy theories that the Pfizer vaccine would make women sterile and that world governments were using the virus and vaccine to centralize power.
Caleb Wallace, a leader of the anti-mask movement in Texas who became infected with the coronavirus and died after spending three weeks in an intensive care unit. He leaves a wife and young child.
And let’s not forget one of early idiots in the mess – Herman Cain

I am also tired of the “excuse” that they cannot be mandated to take a vaccine given they have the “right” to do what they will with their health and body and that they are constitutionally protected from a vaccine being forced.  First off, I’d like to see most of them spell constitution.  Next, they could not be further from the truth of how this works.  Yes, you have the freedom to live your life as you wish up until the point where your actions spill over into actions that put the life of others at risk.  Actually, a pretty easy concept. Examples abound where the society and the courts have consistently mandated this concept.  Let’s see – it is illegal to drink and drive.  Smoking is prohibited in most public places.  VACCINES are mandated for children to attend kindergarten and all the way up thru college.  But I will say that if these people want to continue their protests about anybody telling them what they can do or not do with their body, I would ask that they maybe think a bit about their stance on women and their ability to control what they do with their body.  Women getting abortions aren’t really ending a viable life in their actions.  These anti-vaccine people are taking quite a few living and breathing people out with them.  If there is any bright spot here, most of these people seem to spend the majority of their time with people with similar beliefs and mentality so we can only hope they are taking out more of their own than not.

So while the rest of us hold up our level of responsibility for ensuring some level of health to keep the pandemic at bay and I’ve now delved into constitutional protection, let me take a short detour into our current SCOTUS, most specifically their latest action (or inaction) regarding the new laws in Texas (a state that would be the asshole if it was a living entity – although in contention with Florida) that basically ends the right of women to terminate their pregnancy.  Even more amazing is that given the magnitude of this decision by the Court is that they did it, not thru normal detailed and extensive review and argument by both sides, but thru what is referred to as their shadow docket – no detailed explanation or rationale (which could be examined in detail), no count of which Justice voted which direction and what ends up as no real accountability for the decision.  This is what happens when “C” level players are selected by a “D” level asshole.    

The Adoption Fairy Tale

It is easy to get lost in all the chaos and unfairness we are currently experiencing in our nation and across the globe. However, there are times when it does one well to look a little more inward and spend some time focused on things maybe a bit more personal and internal in nature. I was struck this morning listening to an interview with Padma Lakshmi, most well known for her time on Top Chef. What rang true for me in listening to her today was her conversation about the sexual abuse events in her youth and how life altering they were, the main point being no matter what, that experience and the associated feelings are never too far away. At some level it is not something that is a surprise or something that took me to “wow, never thought about it that way”. There is an obvious understanding that bad, traumatic events in our life can, and most often will, lead to lifelong impacts. People deal with these events in many ways, some good, some destructive and some just in a way that fucks up a part of your life, whether it be in relationships with others, how you view yourself, where you take your life, etc. etc.

My connection to this is not a result of something bad or some obvious trauma or injury. My connection is something that most would view as a good event, something positive – and to a great extent it is good and it is positive in the bigger picture. However, as with most everything in our lives, there is rarely something that is entirely good. I think the issue is that when something happens that is good, and particularly that the alternative seems not so good, there is little effort or thought as to the darker side. That “good” thing is being adopted. And in most cases it is a very good thing but it does not come without cost or extra weight one must carry – and it is never ever really too far from your daily walk through life. As I’ve used this blog as an internal sounding board since it started, I thought this might be another opportunity to share on a different level, especially in the unlikely case where someone else with life experience in the world of adoption might see something in a new light.

“I was adopted. I wasn’t chosen. I was abandoned. At times I feel angry. At times I feel sad. At times I feel blessed. At times I feel thankful. I am adopted. And it’s complicated.”

My adoption was, in most ways, one of those great adoption stories. I was adopted within weeks of my birth, of course to a loving and warm set of parents unable to have children themselves – the beginning of the great adoption lie. Not sure how you measure it but my adopted parents weren’t really the warm and loving type. Open adoptions were pretty rare in 1953 and given efforts to protect the birth mother/parents, most all information was sealed and unavailable to the adoptee. Today, 68 years later, adoption records remain legally sealed in 19 states. Records are accessible but with restrictions in 21 other states. In most cases, at least in my mind, this is there to protect the adults in the process but at what cost to the child. I knew essentially nothing about my adoption details until much later in my life when I was in my early 40’s and even then, despite more detail on ethnic and family background, the information read more like a made up story than anything else. Might be my snarky view of most things but I always read most of it as putting the best spin on the details – and at the time why not? No one could validate. The only information with any real “detail” was on my unmarried birth mother side as my birth was one out of wedlock with no intent by my father of considering a family. So my birth mother was put in a special home for girls in her situation until the baby was born and the adoption processed. Up until this point in my life, I had little or no interest in finding my birth parent(s) but now with kids, a bit more background was more important so when the various ancestry services (like 23andMe) came on the scene I shared my DNA and got my initial glimpse into some additional background data. Still not like having a sit down with a parent or relative to get the real details of your family history but at least a bit more “health” background. In 2017, when adoptee birth records opened up in NJ, I requested my original birth certificate and for the first time was able to get the “real” adoption information. That opened up another story but that is not the point of this day’s blog.

“Will this feeling of being unwanted ever diminish? Is it possible for the positives in my life to outweigh the sadness that I feel?”
—Confessions of An Adoptee

So, what’s my point on all this? I think we believe that once something is seen as a “good” thing, we tend to ignore other aspects of the situation or event. In the case of adoption there is another side. I recognize it in me and I see the thread of impact in other adopted individuals as they grow older. For myself, I’ve spent the vast majority of my life feeling that I never fit anywhere. I had no real footprint anywhere. I was told I was adopted as soon as my parents probably felt I should know. Not entirely clear but I know that by the age of 5 or 6, I had the first knowledge I was different. I heard the adoption fairy tale right from the beginning of “you were chosen”, “you were special” and “you were really wanted”. It was assumed (and probably rightly so) that the adopted child was better off. But the psyche of the adopted is not assuaged with that possible reality. There is no foothold. There is no looking around and seeing where you fit. There is no sense of belonging. There is a missing connection that becomes very obvious as one goes thru school and you do reports on your heritage or your family tree. I heard the nasty remarks from other children I played with that made it clear I was different and unlike them. The response I got when I told my parents was that usual adoption fairy tale. I don’t remember ever meeting or being aware of another person that was adopted until I was much older – another reason to feel pretty much different. I expect they were out there but it wasn’t something people really talked about in casual conversation. All I know is that I spent much of my first three decades of life (at least until I was married) with the idea that I was an outsider and didn’t fit anywhere. I had no roots. I had no history. I was “special” – I wasn’t like everyone else. I didn’t have the “connection” that most everyone else took for granted. Over most of my lifetime, this feeling permeated almost everything in my life. Even through my career which had me interacting with many, many people over the years, I managed to not really ever connect. I did very well in most things I did but no one ever really got close to knowing me. I most always got along well with others but never too deep. Was it all due to being adopted? Can’t put it all there but when you spend most of your formative years feeling like you are different and less than others, it impacts trust and confidence. I’ve probably spent too much time over my life being defensive of things trying to protect me from those feelings (and still do to this day at times). It has had dramatic effect on my personality and my ways of dealing with things and people around me. It took more energy than it deserved but self-preservation is a strong force and we all have things that we need to overcome – or not.

“Being adopted is like having blank pages in the first chapter of your book of life.”
—Adult adoptee

Even today, that feeling of alone often persists, despite a wife who over 40 years has made it clear how special I am to her. Our relationship, a successful career, kids who have made their way in the world, my life in general helps me realize I did okay. I’ve been able to get close (most of the time) with my immediate family and my connections over the years with them – despite the occasional ups and downs – have been pretty strong. I was extremely lucky to find someone as a partner who not only helped me progress and grow over our time together but also has accepted all my shortcomings. She has had to tolerate quite a bit as I’m far from the easiest person to live with. I’ve had relationships and deep conversations with my children that were never experienced with my parents. Unfortunately I had to retire to probably make the most progress. I finally had time and distance from the stress of all those years of work and raising a family to see things a little clearer. Are all those feelings of being alone and different gone? Never will be but I can now talk and feel more secure and less focused on that hole that has accompanied me throughout my life. I remember to this day seeing my daughter being born and for the first time in my life seeing another living thing that was part of me. Not a big deal to most but one of the biggest events in my life up to that point – one that I still get emotional about when I replay that morning. I’ve come a long way. I can joke now about how Jon Snow and I have the commonality of both being bastards – and I can say it without any real emotional tinge. The fact that I never really saw myself with that label before tells me I wasn’t ready. That hole also got a little smaller after the NJ adoption records were opened. Through that data and the DNA data from 23andMe, I was provided with some unexpected connections to my birth mother’s family. Those connections have not really progressed too far, mostly because at this point it makes very little difference in my life and will change nothing and partly because that “family” I missed ends up not really fitting into where I am and who I am as a person. As my son quickly realized, despite the shortcomings of my adopted parents, they probably saved me from a much less fulfilling life with my birth mother, who managed to give me another half-brother put up for adoption and four more half-siblings who, aside from genetic material, live in entirely different worlds than I do. Is there an intellectual curiosity about those half-siblings? Without a doubt but my life as it has happened and as it exists at this point is more than I could have ever imagined.

So my point in all this? Highly doubtful that anyone following or reading my blog deals in the adoption world but if they do, let’s not continue the adoption fairy tale. While not always so, adoptions are just another form of trauma that should be out there and discussed from the beginning. Americans adopt approximately 140,000 children a year and overall there are around 7 million adopted people in the US. Adoption is no longer entirely a private, closed process as today, almost 60%-70% of domestic adoptions are now open adoptions, which means there is a degree of openness and disclosure of information between adoptive and birth parents regarding the adopted child. This alone should help with that “hole” that was there in years back. For the sake of all the adopted children out there, there is also a case to be made to push reticent states to open access to adoption records. It is important that no-one assume because a child is adopted, that all is good. More information is good. It is a topic that should be approached as a necessity of the child’s growth and development. Adopted kids are still special but not really due to them being adopted. They are special because they are individuals with unlimited potential – like any other child. We are special, not due to where we started where we had no influence. We are special given what we reach for and what we achieve.

It has gotten easier but I’ll remain working on it forever. I still have my moments but I’ve never been better.

Assholes – We can’t get away from them

I will admit that “asshole” is undoubtedly one of my “go to” words as it seems to pretty much encapsulate my thoughts on much of what I see around me in this increasingly fucked up world. It has been suggested to me numerous times that I might want to spend a bit less time looking at the news but not viewing something doesn’t make it change or go away. Given how bad everything appears, I have come to a conclusion that there is little I can do at this point in my life. As I approach 70 years on this earth I realize I owe an apology to all those “old” people I thought had no clue as I moved thru my earlier years – particularly in my 20’s and 30’s. I now realize that just time and participation in whatever we are here to do provides insight and what can be seen as a bit more wisdom as more and more context is part of your experience in the world. Not sure if it is just more years of experience or observation or something else but I can’t remember a time with more assholes than I see at the moment.

If you’ve read my blog at any point you will recognize the many things I admire but probably more so, the things I find abhorrent. I’ve called out many over the years of this blog as assholes and in most cases I’ve focused on politicians – no doubt an easy target in many cases. The US is ripe with finding these idiots who have ceased paying any attention to the will of the American people instead playing to a base of “trumpists” who have made it clear that not only is there a fool born every minute but that you can’t cure stupid. This group of lowlifes make it clear that there is no bottom when it comes to intelligence and that they, like the proverbial lemmings, can be led down paths even to their own destruction. Their memories are short, their ability to connect the dots is non-existent and they are perfectly comfortable demonstrating their stupidity to those who might actually have a foot in reality and can see the path ahead.

First, let’s look at their “leaders” as we see that everything rots from the head down.

Kevin McCarthy

Here is a man who has been as close to the poster boy of incompetence – Donny Trump – as possible. After McCarthy’s remarks yesterday about the withdrawal from Afghanistan the height of hypocrisy is taken to new levels. And I quote –

“Look, I’m extremely frustrated with the president. As I said, if you want to be president of the free world, you have to have the trust, faith and confidence of the American public. President Biden lost that yesterday,” McCarthy told reporters in a news conference in the Capitol.

“There will be a day of reckoning,” he added.”

I must have missed that period of time where Trump had the trust, faith and confidence of the American public. Must have been one of those times I was in the bathroom.

What a fucking asshole.

Donny Trump

Not to be outdone, former president douchebag still seems to think he is still President. When hit with Congressional requests for information related to the January 6th insurrection, where does he go?

“Executive privilege will be defended, not just on behalf of my Administration and the Patriots who worked beside me, but on behalf of the Office of the President of the United States and the future of our Nation,” Trump said in a statement, without detailing how such an effort would be conducted. (said on Wed August 25, 2021)

Maybe it is time someone inform him that his “executive privilege” days are over.

Ron DeSantis

As hard as it is to believe, there is one person who might be a bigger asshole than Trump. Yup, you guessed it – Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida.

Not too many in the US doing more than DeSantis to kill off the stupid (and unfortunately many of those not quite so stupid). His only competition are the Governors of most of other southern states – it is just that DeSantis is has been so far up Trump’s ass that he gets the nod for bigger asshole among his peers. Not there quite yet but by the time he is done, the death tool from Covid in Florida will be pretty impressive. Something we should feel bad about – not too bad – they elected him.

I could go on and on as the list of individuals is huge…and obvious. But in order to keep this relatively brief and readable, let’s just look at the American public in general – at least those that seem to have moved to the dark side, the side that is taking America down a deep, dark hole – one that questions how recoverable we are as a country. While it is reasonable to think that we will always have divisions in our people – whether political, economic or social – it is clear the we have a mass of individuals (assholes en masse) who don’t get the severity of much of what is going on. The list is long.

Anti-vaxxers – always assholes but too stupid to understand science. But they take on a much larger presence in the Covid pandemic as they are singularly responsible where we are as a country at the moment as we watch the 4th wave of the pandemic play itself out. The good news is that despite the loss of some that have taken the vaccine, the vast majority of the coming deaths will be among those defining their rights and freedoms as the opportunity to get Covid and have a good chance of dying from it.

To be honest, aside from the impact on children, I’m all for this self-imposed suicide. Less of them is a good thing and might be part of our path back. These are not the critical thinkers among us and many add little back to society. Good riddance. On a another note, many of these assholes are the anti-abortion dickheads that feel they can determine what a woman does with her body.

Anti-maskers – need I say more. Assholes galore. I say “go for it” – If I managed to be a breakthrough Covid case, I would be more than willing to sit down with them – be it at their bar, schoolboard meeting or at their chosen place of worship. Again, less of them is only goodness.

Climate Change Deniers‘ – Cut me a fucking break – rain in some areas of Greenland for the first time EVER. Weather out of control and cutting paths of destruction in places it is historically rare. Massive fires around the globe – Greece recently had 86 large fires in the country – didn’t think Greece was large enough for that many. Average annual temperatures hitting records. High temps not seen previously. Decade long droughts – with no end in sight. Close to 98% of all scientists agreeing that climate change is man-made and getting to a point of unlikely reversal. Don’t know why the younger people aren’t marching in the streets on this one – it is their (and their children’s) future. Stupid and lazy. And assholes.

That’s probably enough at the moment before my head explodes with all this shit flying around our country at the moment. At one level this all makes the disarray of the 1960’s look pretty tame in comparison – at least all the disruption at the time was taking us forward.

Let’s talk about Assholes…

No…not this kind…

This kind…

And this kind…

Anyone who has followed my blog over the long years will remember a period where I decided it was appropriate to hand out the occasional “Shitbag of the Day” award. There were many to whom I bestowed this award, mostly Republicans around our nation. While many of them have since moved out of public political life, there are some who remain in front of the pack even years later. One stand-out who I would expect would easily move from his Shitbag status into the Asshole category would be a perennial favorite would be Lindsey Graham, always a standout who moves easily between other assholes without hesitation.

To be clear, assholes come in several different varieties.

We have the Southern flavor –

We have the Mid-West variety –

We have the Southern style –

And let’s not forget the West –

And they are not just men –

But let’s not just pick on Politicians. Assholes abound in the private sector also.

And before we move to the main point, I can’t forget probably one of the biggest assholes in my time –

But today, I think there is one individual who demands much more attention and leads the Republican chase for the biggest asshole of the moment.

Yes, it is Ronald Harold Johnson, Republican Senator from Wisconsin, known as “America’s Dairyland”; it is particularly famous for its cheese. Ron has spent the last 4 years kissing the former President’s ass at every juncture. He has vehemently defended him in both Impeachment trials. Last spring as the Covid-19 pandemic was rapidly growing, he argued that the economy needed to open back up because people die all the time – here is an excerpt from the op-ed he authored:

“Every premature death is a tragedy, but death is an unavoidable part of life. More than 2.8 million die each year — nearly 7,700 a day. The 2017-18 flu season was exceptionally bad, with 61,000 deaths attributed to it. Can you imagine the panic if those mortality statistics were attributed to a new virus and reported nonstop?”

Ron has also consistently dismissed the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol noting “this didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me”. He has had no problem spreading conspiracy theories after he read the account of a single eyewitness during the first public Senate hearing on the Capitol insurrection which suggested there were professional provocateurs in the crowd egging people on. Johnson read from an article published by the Federalist that argues “agents-provocateurs” and “fake Trump protesters” were behind the assault on the Capitol, rather than actual Trump supporters.

While most of these stands taken by Johnson would easily move him into the category of Asshole (and a rather large one at that), just yesterday, March 4th, as the Senate began their effort to pass the latest Covid-19 relief legislation, Ronny felt it important to force the entire bill – almost 700 pages – be read aloud in the Senate chamber, an almost 10 exercise in wasting time. The icing on the cake? Ronny left the Senate well before the reading was completed which was at around 2am. He was likely back in his DC apartment, dreaming of large chunks of cheese. This last act of Republican stall tactics undoubted brings Ronny to the head of pack of current assholes so let’s all recognize him for who he is.

Now, as I approach the point of going on too long (apologies) there is one other area I feel a need to address. It could logically fall into the discussion on assholes but since Sen. Ron held such a lead today it does take somewhat of a back seat.

Okay, so the US is now at around 525,000 deaths from the virus. Assholes around the country are opening businesses and removing restrictions around masks and the like (see – you can’t get too far away from assholes no matter where you look!) but the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) has decided it is time to ensure their flock of idiots makes this whole process a bit more difficult and dangerous. Thank goodness we still have the Pope:

I would think that these US Catholic Bishops’ might just have some other larger issues on which they could spend some time and effort.

And it’s a New Dawn…

…to quote Gracie Slick at Woodstock, another time of an awakening starting in this country.

Not sure about the rest of you but today (January 20th) felt a little different – from yesterday and from the last four years. The feeling was similar to something I feel every time we have a large amount of “things” we cart down to our community’s Spring or Fall Cleanup. We load up all the items that stopped working or were replaced since the last cleanup, we take a swing around the garage and basement looking for items we really will never use or have no use for and we take it all down to our township building and and dump it all in one of the large trash containers never to see it again. Probably the best feeling is that our house, at least for a short period of time, feels lighter and less weighed down.

That is what this morning felt like. Our nation’s trash and the crap that is no longer useful has been taken out. Our “house” is lighter and the feeling of daily dread of “what is the asshole in the White House is going to do today?” is gone. Trump leaves in some ways no differently than he arrived. His truth is only his truth and his actions only fit this needs. At the end of it all, he left as he arrived – an egocentric, self-centered, integrity-free dickhead. He is now really irrelevant to most of us, pretty much what he was prior to being elected. The difference now is that while only those of us living reasonably close to NYC knew who and what he is, now the nation has seen. We also have the benefit of seeing who and what his family and followers are – needy, low-life grifters.

With all we have gone thru, there are a number of key learnings I think we can take away from the last four years.

  • When someone tells and shows you who they are, believe them. Trump made it very clear what kind of man he is – he has done it all his life. There is little in Trump to which one can aspire – unless you really like gold toilets. There are few, if any, redeeming traits and his character flaws are obvious. A man who grabs pussy, cheats on every wife, stiffs contractors working for him, lies about everything to prop himself up and values nothing but himself is not someone who has any of the qualities needed to run our great country. The man didn’t drain the swamp – he is the swamp.

  • Most of those Americans who profess to be religious are anything but. These “believers” were willing to sell their souls to the devil just to get a few judges on the bench. Not sure how any of them can look in a mirror or sit in a pew on Sunday without worrying about that bolt from above given their false prayers and allegiance. A surprise? Not to anyone paying attention but for us atheists, we’ve been pretty much in front of this for a while. A lot of the rest of you have some explaining to do – and not to me.

  • We have a country that remains racist and bigoted across the board. While we have made some progress in the last 50 years, we are far from anything that resembles what many of us have hoped we, as a country, are. We are still pretty fucked up and we have a ways to go. Luckily as the newer generations are coming up, we can see glimpses of goodness and acceptance that many of us in older generations never realized. The hardest thing is trying to figure out how after watching what this country went thru in the 60’s and 70’s (when I came of age), my “peers” (in the word only) never moved past where their parents were in terms of bigotry. If there was any silver lining in the past four years it is the reality of who we Americans really are, not the image with which we can pretend to be “woke”. We are at a reckoning point and it can’t be laid out much clearer.

  • In any group or organization we shouldn’t assume that “good” people will balance out the “not-so-good ones”. In the Trump administration those “good” people were usually described as “the adults in the room”, somehow making Trump less toxic. We see how that worked out. Let’s maybe not assume people who seem better aren’t actually pieces of shit themselves. Maybe it is just in comparison to the worse person in the room. Kind of like having one leg is better than no legs – no doubt a true statement but still pretty sucky. People like Trump surround themselves primarily with people like themselves – or with those they can easily manipulate to do their bidding. The latter is a quality we saw in both elections. For the want of something – or anything for that matter – these people will even support things that aren’t in their best interest. This tells you how important the need to belong is in most people. Attaching to the Trump camp gave identity. Not good identity but at least an identity. When you feel you are nothing, anything is a step up. Back to one leg is better than no legs. Similarly, these people still suck. This is important to remember because Trump isn’t the last asshole these people will glom onto. Trump doesn’t have the market cornered on “users” ready to take advantage. Josh “Douchebag” Hawley is ready and able to step in and fill the void. The lesson here…when you see a leader who is corrupt, rest assured that those closest to him or her are of equal integrity and ethics. It also works the other way – if you find an individual who is a lying sack of shit with no ethics, then there is a high likelihood their leader is of the same ilk.

  • Life is not a zero sum game. There is no basis to the belief that if someone else does better, you end up doing worse. Thinking that “I’m OK only if you aren’t” is a mental disease of the unintelligent, the inadequate and the do-nothings in our country. It is the product of a stated sense of self-worth that is, upon closer examination, a recognition that “I am really pretty much a failure”. To quote Shakespeare – “Thou doth protest too much”. You actually need to put some effort into achieving success.

  • People need to focus on their own business and stay out of the lives and philosophies of others. I think many in our country seem to feel it is their obligation to make sure the rest of us are following their rules. Related to #5, this is again an approach I see in people trying to validate how they have chosen to live their lives – whether they really live it or or it is really just rhetoric. I don’t ever have to justify or explain my “beliefs” if no one else can hold contrary or different ones. Again, a sign of weakness, especially among those who always take their cues from someone else – the ones we call followers.

  • You wouldn’t think it would be necessary but maybe it is time for actual law that says you can’t put children in cages. A law that says you can’t separate babies from their mother. If we can’t do that minimal effort then maybe it is time that we reposition the Statue of Liberty. Probably needs about a 180 degree turn.

  • Let us not forget – ever – January 6th, 2021. I’ve seen a lot in my 67 years and there only a handful of events (beyond personal) that rise to the top of the list of impacts. I remember the race riots in the 60’s. The Vietnam War demonstrations. Let us also not underestimate the path to an authoritarian government where personal rights and freedoms are really removed. Momentum is a hard thing to stop so vigilance and healthy skepticism is now a requirement.

  • Last one – The call for the Democrats to focus on healing division. Nice try but there is still a lot about which to be angry. Many out there put a good deal of effort into messing everything up for the majority of us. While Covid-19 was bad, our nation’s lack of leadership and the ongoing unwillingness to “fix” it but Trump’s supporters is the primary reason we lead the world’s countries – first world thru third world – in Covid-related deaths. We do need to find a path to reducing anger levels. However, a bit of anger is always a good thing. Now is not the time to forgive and forget – it is too easy to fall back onto the aura of “let’s just get along”. There remains a good number of reasons – maybe 75 million – to stay angry. Time to clean up the politicians who seem to have forgotten they are there to do the work of the people rather than just gracing themselves with the benefits of their position…as well to remind all that climbing up someone’s ass is a dual-edged sword. But it isn’t just the politicians. Those complicit need to be held accountable. Whether neighbors or family, let us not forget the assholes that enabled the last four years. Let us never forget the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. We should be ashamed.

But at least this is goodness. And those fireworks were amazing!

Trump – The Stain

Trump and his People

My philosophy is always to hire the best from the best.”

Trump and Business Acumen…and Honesty

Trump Steaks are the world’s greatest steaks, and I mean that in every sense of the word. Treat yourself to the very, very best life has to offer you. And as a gift, Trump Steaks are the best you can give. One bite, and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about, and believe me. I understand steaks, it’s my favorite food.” Trump marking the introduction of Trump Steaks by The Sharper Image (2007)

Trump and Women

You know, it doesn’t really matter what the media writes as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.Esquire Interview (1991)

Wow! Just think — in a couple of years I’ll be dating you.” – Trump to two 14-year-old girls in 1992

People want me to [run for president] all the time … I don’t like it. Can you imagine how controversial I’d be? You think about him [Bill Clinton] and the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine?” – On Hardball with Chris Matthews

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” On Jeffrey Epstein. Quoted in New York Magazine, 28 October 2002.

All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Ny Daily News (24 March 2004)

I’ll go backstage, before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else. And you know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. You know I’m inspecting, I want to make sure everything is good, the dresses, “Is everyone OK?”, you know they’re standing there with no clothes, “Is everybody OK?”, and you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.Comments about his ownership of Miss Universe on the Howard Stern Show (11 April 2005)

I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” To Billy Bush in 2005; “Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women”, The New York Times (8 October 2016)

Trump and Healthcare

I’m conservative, and even very conservative. But I’m quite liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What’s the purpose of a country if you’re not going to have defensive and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.” Interview with Larry King CNN (October 1999)

Trump and the Military

Trump and China

I know the Chinese. I’ve made a lot of money with the Chinese. I understand the Chinese mind.” As quoted in Tony Pierce (3 May 2011), “Donald Trump has read a lot of books on China: ‘I understand the Chinese mind’“, Los Angeles Times

I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower. I love China. People say, “Oh, you don’t like China?” No, I love them. But their leaders are much smarter than our leaders, and we can’t sustain ourself with that.”

Trump and Leadership

Leadership: whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible. Tweet (8 November 2013)

Trump and Personal Qualities

Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy – you ought to see the guy: ‘Uhh I don’t know what I said. I don’t remember!’ He’s going, ‘I don’t remember! Maybe that’s what I said.’ As quoted in “Trump mocks reporter with disability” (25 November 2015 by CNN)

I know words. I have the best words. Speech in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 30 December 2015

Quite the Looker!

Trump and the Wall

I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. Campaign launch rally, 6/15/15

Trump and Racism

I think I’ve done more for the black community than any other President and let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln because he did good but although it’s always questionable, you know in other words the end result.

Trump and Work Ethic

I love working. I’m not a vacation guy. Right? Like Obama, he plays golf in Hawaii. He flies in a 747. Hardball with Chris Matthews, August 4, 2017 April 21, 2016 rally

Trump – Ethics and Honesty

I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.

Trump – Fooling some of the People some of the Time

You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.

And what does this say about America given Trump was elected as our President and Leader? Nothing good…

Maybe let’s get it right this time around.

Time to Take Out the Big Stick

I have now watched for I don’t know how many years, a Democratic Party which falls on the side of decorum and maturity when it comes to dealing with issues Americans as well as with the Republican Party. For those of us with better upbringing, more education and likely more success in life, this is typically how we try to approach others in our day to day dealings – whether in our workplace, our families and those with whom we must interact out in the real world. Not to say that all Republicans are lowlifes (most are), are uncouth (most are) and are uneducated (they are). Doesn’t mean they are automatically bad people but if I was gambling, that’s where I’d put my money. The list is long but one can only look at the current crop of Republican politicians – MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, Rand Paul and others – for so long without seeing them for what they are – Republicans with no substance and little to offer – hence their style of interaction. Their approach – make enough noise and stir up enough emotion that their base doesn’t question content.

I watched the beginning of the Congressional hearing on the ending of the war in Afghanistan and the subsequent evacuation of over 130,000 Americans, Afghans with SIV papers and citizens of our allies. Of course it immediately dropped down to the juvenile level upon which the Republicans now focus their criticism – which is pretty low. I will likely at some point take up some of the good, the bad and the ugly of the end of the war in Afghanistan but for now I’m pissed enough to just focus on the Republican party and their ongoing work to bring this country to its’ knees. Kind of like what we say when some fool starts to argue with you and their only defense is to bring you down to their level of incompetence or idiocy. Again, anyone reading my blog for any period of time can see how I view most all of this current batch of Republicans in office – whether at the Federal, State or local levels. As we often have heard (but maybe in different terms) shit rolls downhill.

What we all know is that this is the Republicans crap we will continue to have to listen to for the foreseeable future. Nothing will change them – our only hope is that many of them – actually the majority of the unvaccinated – continue to die from Covid. And hopefully in the most painful and horrific ways so their loved one can continue to reach out and ask for your thoughts and prayers. No issue giving them my thoughts – Get Fucked. I’m always up for efforts to cleanse the gene pool.

But enough on the Republicans. My issue at this moment are the Democrats and how they continue to play nice and take the high road. While it might sound good and it might look good on paper, at this point it is a losing proposition. In my many years in Corporate America – not always the friendliest place, especially when providing services to clients that they pay a lot for. You can try to be cooperative and patient as you help them see the error of their ways and expectations but there is a point where they need to know there is a line – and a point where once they cross, they can never come back to the same place and get the benefit of the doubt like all is forgotten. I always felt there was a time where you needed to not only provide the proverbial 2×4 to the head but you needed to make sure there was a welt that lasted long enough they never forgot the initial swat. In fact, kind of like with your kids, there should be some fear always left in them for future encounters. They need to know you are not just fucking around. It is time the Democrats in our country step up the swats to the heads of the Republicans that continue their assault on not only the Democrats in power but in ALL the non-Trumpers in America. Can’t say I agree with everything that Bernie, AOC and Nancy Pelosi say and do but I will tell you I like their style. I like Schumer but he is a bit more of a “get along” guy. All the Democratic leadership needs to take the hardline stance and pretty much rip some heads off. They need to set the tone of fixing the immediate problem rather than worrying more about pissing people off and impacting their re-election. With a continued stance of not rocking the boat, I think they put their re-election more at risk.

Enough noise and bullshit from the Trumpers – we know they are assholes and barely can walk upright (my apology to the primates) but we need to make it very clear we don’t want to hear from them. Vermectin for all of them. I’ll fund enough for the first 1000.

What Really Matters…

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

  • The Oath of office taken by our President and every member of the Senate and House

For anyone reading my blog it becomes immediately evident that I am not a fan of the Republican side of our political nation…and if you are a follower, there is no need for me to restate the obvious. However, given the events of the past several months, and in particular January 6th and the trial currently underway in the US Senate, it is near impossible to ignore these current events and actions. I find the point at which our nation finds itself to be particularly disturbing – of course for the travesty that former (love being able to write that) President Trump foisted on us – but more so for the place we find ourselves this week with those Senators and Representatives we have elected to lead the nation forward.

So let us get the obvious out of the way – Donald John Trump is no doubt one of the biggest pieces of shit that ever walked the face of this earth. He walks alongside such notaries as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao Tse-Tung, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussain, and let’s not forget Putin. Maybe a little less impactful than a few of them – less deaths on his hands (let us not forget the 450,000+ from Covid-19) but there has been no one whom has threatened the existence of the longest running Democracy in history than this douchebag. I could go on and on (and I have previously if you care to read my previous posts) but not today. So on to the matter of the moment.

The eyes of the world have been on the United States for quite awhile now and we, the usual world leader, have recently but consistently fallen short of doing what is “right” and being the role model we’ve been for quite a long time. There are some things that don’t need discussion as to right and wrong. Overthrowing our Government is one of those things and if you need to discuss it, stop reading now as it is evident your head is already far up your ass. Falling short of what America has always espoused is going to happen again as we, as a nation, now try in the Senate, an impeached president for the second time. It is unfortunate for all of us that the result from our “leaders” will likely be no different than the first time around Trump’s impeachment. Facts again won’t matter because partisanship rises above all else. It is maddening and I have felt the rage, the dismay, the sadness and the plethora of not good emotions I am sure many good Americans have as we’ve watched events and actions that have stunned the world. I am tired of the tears I sometimes can’t control. I am tired of the anger which comes out in ways that often feels good at the moment but really helps no one. I am lucky. I have a wife who, despite my anger and intensity, walks up and hugs me and tells me I’m okay. I have kids who sometimes struggle with the normal challenges of daily living but are good kids (if you can call adults in their 30’s kids!). I don’t worry about much at this point as our life’s efforts and decisions have brought us to a good place in retirement. But I still ache at times more than I can ever remember in my 67 years.

I will watch the farce of a Senate trial play out over the next several days. While I commend what the House Impeachment Managers have presented so far, there is really no surprise result waiting on the horizon. There is no cavalry that will ride over the distant hill to come to our rescue. Again I will remind myself about something I’ve said many times over the years – there is no magic. What we see is what we get and what we must come to accept as reality – we are now a nation that is severely divided and one that has a good deal that needs to be fixed. We can approach this in several ways. We can continue to focus on the Trump effect and all those in power who have subscribed to his unethical, immoral and self-pleasuring approach to the world – an attitude based on narcissistic, self-centered actions focused purely on “what is good for me is all that matters”. We can give this part of us extra time and attention. We can waste our energy on people who will never change. And to be honest, change requires insight and integrity and there is a dearth of that in many of us in this nation.

I think it is time to really look at our path ahead and find the means to see something positive. I know it is critical for me as I really at a crossroad. Anger is sometimes a good thing but it will take it’s toll and I have much ahead of me I really don’t want to miss. I am far from a Pollyanna and I don’t dismiss the grave challenge we as a nation now face. But we can’t be consumed to the detriment of all else.

Not easy but I’m looking for perspective. Starting at the top, does it really matter that Trump is acquitted or not? It would be nice if for no other reason it could provide evidence that our political process actually works and that partisanship is not the map leading our actions. But that is not the case, made evident by how much Trump has been able to get away with for four years. If convicted, it will really change nothing. His supporters won’t believe it. They will again see it as just an extension of the stolen election. If acquitted, it won’t change anyone’s mind either. But the benefit here is that we will all see what he did and that view will not go away…ever. Ever. Ever. That is a long time.

There are many complicit in his actions and time will hold them accountable, as will history. I find it positive that over 70% of Americans think Trump should be convicted. I will focus on them rather than the 30% who continue to consistently demonstrate they offer no value or goodness to anything or anyone. These people are unrecoverable. They are not worth a moment’s time or attention. They thrive only in a time of discord and disarray. But we now know who they are and the best thing we can do is pay as little attention to them as possible. Keep in mind, their power only lies in how much they can disrupt our lives. Trump gave them life and for probably the first time in their lives, gave them recognition and told them they deserved more. And in their usual style and want, they really had to do nothing other than be who they really are. But they remain nothings and they remain damaged human beings. I am confident that good people will continue to find these insurrectionists and most will be brought to justice. And there will be goodness realized as many of us shun these broken people and we watch their livelihoods disappear. I will get a smile each time it happens.

I am hoping this place we find ourselves will bring a new awareness. I am hoping we all recognize we need to focus on the path forward. We have a lot to fix and maybe this bottom in which we find ourselves will help move us up towards better days. In the larger sense, I believe in very little that influences or controls what we do. However, I do believe in Karma…and it is a bitch. I have watched it work it’s wonders for most of my adult life. It is one thing that gives me solace when I watch these people who believe they are impervious to consequence. For those Senators and Representatives who continue to support this lowlife fuck – you who are the weak ones, afraid to cross anyone in a position of power, who have no integrity – it is coming for you. You are the individuals who have allowed and enabled this last four years.

Trump was right in at least one thing he said over the past four years – Remember the day (January 6th).

Let’s make sure that no one – elected officials or the American public forgets the Oath of Office sworn to by those we elect.

An Alternate Reality

If this last seven months have taught us in America anything, it is very clear our country hasn’t progressed out of the 1950’s to the extent many of us had thought…or at least had hoped. The election of 2016, if nothing else, has exposed to all of us who the people around us really are. I don’t like most people as a general rule but I can now put a pretty clear face on it – if you remain a Trump supporter in 2020, you are pretty much a piece of shit. It is likely that you and I have relatively little in common. It is likely you don’t have a college education. It is likely you wear a baseball hat. It is likely you watch Fox News (using the term loosely). You believe that the 2nd Amendment actually gives you, a private citizen, the right to have/carry a gun (or many guns). You believe that cars made in the US are superior to those made in other countries. You shop at Walmart, love how cheap everything is but don’t acknowledge that most of what you buy has been made in China. You think that electric cars are a fad or a phase. You think that Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity are actually journalists. You believe a 6 pack of beer and a pack of cigarettes just improve an evening. You remain convinced that women are less capable in most “important” things than men.

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.” – President Trump April 23, 2020

You believe that Trump is a successful business man. You believe kids in cages are okay and that 465 children, separated from their parents at the border and now will never see their parents again is justified. And you still think that Mexico is paying for that wall. You believe that Covid-19 is really just a worse version of the flu and only old people are really at risk. You believe in God and church but only on Sundays or when it works in your favor. You believe that Trump actually cares about you. You believe that most minorities only have themselves to blame for where they are in our socio-economic scheme. You think that wearing a mask out in public during the pandemic is a sign of weakness and an affront to personal liberty (please then take your seatbelt off when you drive). You believe that Government handouts are socialist actions…but you freely take Social Security and Medicare. You believe QAnon is real and based on fact.

“I love the poorly educated.” Trump – February 2016

I could go on and on but the reality is that most of us are living in entirely different and separate worlds. Where we live and how we have lived are most often key in how differently we think and how we live our lives. For me personally, I could give two shits about how you live, where you live and what you believe. I would ask however, you of different worlds, please stop trying to remake my world into yours. Stop trying to make sure that your values and beliefs are ones that everyone should be living.

I have a natural instinct for science…What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening…People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times…No, I don’t take responsibility at all – President Trump, whenever

Let’s keep it pretty simple – stay the fuck out of everyone else’s business. Keep just fucking up your life. I’m good with that…and don’t ask for help when your life has met challenges. Works for me.

The Problem with Power

Watching the events that have unfolded over the past several days should shake this nation to its core. Without change, we will not survive as a free nation. The problem of taking and abusing power is endemic and at its base are people of weak character, challenged intellectual capacity and a “follower” lemming mentality. Whether it be members of Police Departments, the Secret Service, the National Guard, the Armed Services, The NRA, Neo-Nazis, protestors who storm state capitals with assault weapons, these are people who spend their lives being scared, realizing they have little to raise them up and realizing they are powerless against others with influence. These are the individuals who see guns and a badge or shield of some sort as the means to “be” powerful or at least feel something approaching adequacy.

Can this be fixed in the individual? Not at all since it reaches down into the depths of what makes an individual. It started as children who never felt they made the grade or never excelled at anything. It is part of the psyche, it is part of the soul of the individual. Watching the “police” responses to those peacefully protesting in our cities gives a good view into many of these people. No, not every one of those in uniform and in riot gear but the thought (or excuses) that “it only a few bad ones” is wrong. It is not everyone but it is endemic in these organizations we have evolved to maintain order. It is more than a few which means the fix is more than firing a couple when an obviously horrific act occurs – as it did in the murder of George Floyd. These organizations draw a good number of individuals who see it as a means to feel better and to exercise strength that without their uniform and weapons just won’t happen. Power without earning it. How convenient. It is time to start over. Watching many of the police who took their level of intensity over the top with the protesters was horrifying. Shades of 1968 as we watched police using tear gas, rubber bullets, batons and their shields as weapons to actually injure people. This was not maintaining order. This was the look of a fascist state.

It is time for a purge of active personnel that includes anyone who has shown their willingness to step over the line. It is time to stop the Police Unions whose first job is to protect their members no matter what. It is time for real external review boards to monitor, discipline and dismiss. It is time that police unions be disbanded or be made to focus only on just job benefits not job guarantees. It is time that psychological tests and instruments be mandated as a means to getting any job where a gun and position of power over the community is present.

It is time that people stand up for injustice and wrongs against other people. It doesn’t work to set up racial, ethnic, religious or whatever slice of life we have as a focus of who needs to change or who needs to take what action. At this juncture, we all have a way to go.

And we need a President who sets an example and who doesn’t cover the fact he is a pussy with power plays.