The Awards of the Day

There are times that stretch one’s imagination when you have to wonder how far out of touch an individual (or even a group) can be from reality.  I’d like to say that today was one of those special days but, to be honest, there is no dearth of days where it is relatively easy to find one of those special people.   Looking back just a few months, it was Ricky Santorum who could be counted on to get the “Head in the Butt” award. Unfortunately (not really), he has pretty much disappeared from the public eye so it is time to look for other deserving souls.

Today, there was one obvious person who has positioned himself as an obvious contender.  A man who has continually stepped up to become a folk hero to those who have obviously lost their way – the Tea Party.  He continues to demonstrate phenomenal short-sightedness and baseless self-importance.  Aside from trashing the Supreme Court today for their decision on the Obama health care law, he gets this award for his continued attempts to basically blackmail the Senate by halting bills that are actually relevant and important with amendments that have no bearing or relationship to the issues at hand.  Paul has repeatedly insisted that Senate leaders schedule votes on amendments he’s pursuing on issues such as abortion or gun rights — or he’ll delay major, bipartisan legislation.  This week, Paul demanded a guaranteed vote by the Senate first on defining life as starting at conception, as part of a bill renewing national flood insurance.  Will this bring the country to its knees?  Not by a long shot but it is one of the reasons that Congress has an approval rating barely above 10%.  Without question, Rand Paul gets today’s “Head in the Butt” award.

Rand – take a bow!


For all those who might take offense and feel this is a bit over the top, I would submit that you too have likely made that journey where things look bleak and it is time to return to the past.  For those, I offer this thought –

credit to: Inc.